cyber security

Read our blog posts on cybersecurity and digital topics, covering the latest trends, analysis and industry news.


Developing a desktop application with Qt and Trio

Introduction DISCLAIMER: development began with the release of Trio’s guest mode, and we haven’t yet been able to test it. It may be the subject of a future article once we’ve studied it. Developing a Qt application around an asynchronous

Wavestone 2021 cybersecurity startup radar

Bpifrance le Hub and Wavestone present the 2021 edition of the Cybersecurity Startup Radar, which identifies 150 startups and 10 scale-ups among the most promising in the sector. We ( SCILLE) are pleased to have been identified on the radar

UX at the heart of data cybersecurity

UX (User eXperience) must be taken into account right from the design stage. Today, it is inconceivable for software publishers to offer companies digital solutions that do not take into account the end-user’s uses and working conditions. User experience is


SAS: Single Authentication String

Parsec is a system that provides its users with digital safes. Access to these safes can be shared with other users in the same Parsec organization. How to share and transmit the safe keys to a new Parsec user without


PARSEC available on the Oustscale Marketplace

Through its Marketplace, 3DS cloud provider Outscale aims to help “the emergence of high value-added, sovereign PaaS and SaaS offerings” in Europe. 3DS Outscale’s ambition is to provide organizations with a ” hyper-confidence cloud “. To this end, the marketplace

European cyberdefense, a sovereignty issue (part 3)

This article follows on from European cyber defense, a sovereignty issue (part 2) WHAT CAN BE DONE AT EUROPEAN LEVEL? ⁂ In terms of sovereignty. European Commissioner Thierry Breton has spoken of the next decade as a digital or cyber

European cyberdefense, a sovereignty issue (part 2)

This article is a follow-up to European Cyberdefense, a matter of sovereignty (part 1) Cyber opens the way to a new theater of war, giving the attacker a decisive advantage. The subject will be dealt with in three parts, first

European cyberdefense, a sovereignty issue (part 1)

Article taken from the EuroDéfense-France / Association Minerve videoconference With the participation of : Oliver Ligneul, Director of Cybersecurity, EDF Group, Bernard Barbier, CEO of BBcyber, Marc-Antoine Brillant, Deputy Director Strategy, ANSSI, Thierry Leblond, IGA (2s), Chairman of Scille, Board

Cyber security

PARSEC certified by ANSSI

In today’s context, where the protection of sensitive data is a key issue in a new decade marked by digital transformation, we are proud to announce that our PARSEC solution has been awarded CSPN certification by the ANSSI. The guarantee

Chiffrement Zéro Trust


Anti ransomware



Banque et assurance


Expert comptable

Santé et Structures hospitalières

Grand Groupe



Certification CSPN

Hébergement cloud

Zero Trust encryption


Anti ransomware



Banking & Insurance


Chartered Accountant

Health and hospital structures

Large Group



CSPN certification

Cloud hosting