Our allies in the protection of sensitive data and the growth of free software.


The startup SCILLE is referenced by UGAP for its PARSEC solution.
See software/multi-publisher list

SCILLE, thanks to its PARSEC solution, is listed on the 2021 radar of French cybersecurity startups.

PARSEC is listed in the GouvTech catalog of digital solutions for public services.

PARSEC is registered with the Centrale d’Achat de l’Informatique Hospitalière (C.A.I.H)

RAPID (Régime d’APpui à l’Innovation Duale) is a subsidy scheme for dual innovation projects carried out by a company with a consolidated workforce of less than 2,000 employees, either alone or in a consortium.
Parsec benefited from the RAPID DGA program in 2016 for the development of the cybersecurity solution.

Cooperation with the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (Bordeaux Computer Research Laboratory) has brought scientific value to the development of PARSEC.
In addition to LaBRI, the research partners are :
– Catholic University of Leuven (BE)
– University of Neuchâtel (CH)
– University of Rennes (FR)

CEA Tech’s List institute focuses on intelligent digital systems.
With major economic and social challenges at stake, its R&D programs focus on artificial intelligence, the factory of the future, innovation, cyber-physical systems and digital health.
The Parsec & CEA research project, the only one of its kind in the world, adds a direct attack on the metadata server, built around the blockchain, to the PARSEC security model.

As part of an open innovation approach, Systematic Paris-Région, a global competitiveness cluster and European leader in Deep Tech, brings together and drives an ecosystem of excellence structured around 6 technological hubs and 3 economic and societal challenges.
The Systematic cluster connects software, digital and industrial players, accelerating digital projects through collaborative innovation, networking and technology sourcing.

GICAT has launched its own start-up gas pedal, Generate, positioning it as a pioneer in the French defense and security innovation ecosystem.
With sensitive data at the heart of the sovereignty of states and companies alike, PARSEC has joined the GICAT family to provide an effective solution to security and confidentiality issues.

A pioneer in France in the field of sovereign issues, La Place Stratégique combines civilian, military and entrepreneurial experience, which it mobilizes for the success of young strategic companies.
It federates an expert community of institutional, industrial, legal and financial players who contribute to the development of the companies it supports, and work to preserve most of their strategic value in France.

The Comité Richelieu is a professional association whose mission is to unite France’s innovative and growth-oriented SMEs in order to have an impact on economic discussions, whether at government level or in relations with major groups.

French Tech Bordeaux aims to give French startups – and Bordeaux startups in particular – a strong common visual identity, and to encourage exchanges between them.

Hexatrust, the association of French and European cybersecurity and trusted cloud champions.
Hexatrust is an association under the French law of 1901, which brings together and federates French and European champions in cybersecurity, the trusted cloud and the digital workplace.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine Open Source (NAOS) is a regional skills cluster of companies specializing in free and open source software and technologies.
Its aim is to promote the development of an economic sector for free and open source technologies in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

Encryption Europe is an industry alliance of European companies committed to making encryption simple, useful and stable for everyone.
Encryption technologies are already widely used by individuals, private and public organizations to secure their data and protect the confidentiality of their communications.
The alliance also promotes and guarantees strong, durable encryption techniques.

CLUSIR AQUITAINE, a professional association, is dedicated to promoting information security, and raising awareness of cyber-security among businesses, local authorities and other players, through working groups, meetings and exchanges between security experts and digital professionals.

EuroCloud France is the French branch of the European organization EuroCloud, Europe’s leading network of cloud players, with 1,500 member companies in 31 countries.

Solutions-Numeriques & Cybersécurité is a publication aimed at CIOs, IT managers, and all decision-makers in business and the public sector concerned by digital technology.