Participate in the enrichment of our solution.
PARSEC is the first 100% Open Source secure sharing solution under Affero GPL license
Join us on Git Hub
We have chosen to open up the code because the future of cybersecurity depends on the transparency of software for the end user.
Github is the platform dedicated to technophiles from all over the world, allowing them to share and enrich the code they have created themselves.
- As a user, you can consult the PARSEC code at any time on the platform, in order to ensure the reliability of the deployment of innovative technologies implemented to guarantee the confidentiality of your sensitive data.
- And if you are passionate about code, PARSEC is undoubtedly the opportunity for you to challenge your technical knowledge and contribute to the construction of free cybersecurity!
Advice from our cyber security experts
Optimized user experience
Fabien Sevestre July 11, 2023 The redesign project Cloud technology has revolutionized the way we store, share and access our data. However, with ever-changing user needs and rapid technological advances,...
Protect your sensitive data in the cloud with Parsec / Interview Enjeux&Priorité BSMART Retrouvez l'interview de Thierry Leblond, CEO PARSEC pour la chaine BSMART