Download Parsec on Android for greater mobility and ease of use!

After the MacOs version released at the start of 2021, we’re finally unveiling the long-awaited Android version of Parsec.

Parsec on Android for greater mobility and ergonomics.

In today’s world of remote working, the security of sensitive data must not be overlooked.

Data security remains a key issue for corporate sovereignty, as recent events with Microsoft demonstrate.

Securing your data in the best possible way is just as important on PCs as it is on smartphones, which are increasingly used on the move, whether to collaborate, share or consult work documents.

That’s why our engineers have put all their know-how into ensuring that Parsec security is just as effective on your smartphone as it is on your PC.

Parsec Android is available free of charge as part of the “Starter” package, so install it now!

Scan the QR Code to install the solution

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