In the current context where the protection of sensitive data is the main issue of this new decade marked by digital transformation, we are proud to announce that our PARSEC solution has obtained the CSPN certification delivered by the ANSSI....
Security, Confidentiality and High Availability in Real-Time Collaborative Applications: Challenges and Perspectives
I'm working as a PhD student at the Computer Science and Systems Laboratory on a thesis funded under a CIFRE contract with Parsec. My subject is the study of coherence in distributed systems, and since September 2023 I have been exploring the...
Optimize Rust build & test for CI
Last year, we migrated our CI to GitHub Actions after previously using Azure Pipelines. We took advantage of the migration to improve our CI. This article will summarize the different steps we have taken to enhance our CI when working with Rust. Parallelize Run...
How the reqwest HTTP client streams responses in a Web context
We are working on implementing Server-Sent Events (SSE) on all platforms supported by Parsec using reqwest, an HTTP Client written in Rust. Among these platforms, it must support a Web Browser context. We wanted to know how the implementation was done for the web...
DTIB companies: what are the NIS2 recommendations for data cybersecurity?
The Network and Information Systems Security Directive (NIS2) is a European Union regulation designed to strengthen cybersecurity in critical sectors, including companies in the Defense Industrial and Technological Base...
Optimized user experience
Fabien Sevestre July 11, 2023 The redesign project Cloud technology has revolutionized the way we store, share and access our data. However, with ever-changing user needs and rapid technological advances,...
Protect your sensitive data in the cloud with Parsec / Interview Enjeux&Priorité BSMART Retrouvez l'interview de Thierry Leblond, CEO PARSEC pour la chaine BSMART
Parsec V3: from Python to Rust, why and how?
Introduction The Parsec tool was originally developed in Python. This interpreted language is easy to read and enables rapid development and iteration. It also has the advantage of running natively on all major desktop platforms...
ANSSI assesses the IT threat to law firms
Did you know? ANSSI notes that the scope of cyber-attacks on law firms is constantly expanding, notably due to the increasing digitalization of the profession and legal procedures. Lawyers and law firms are frequently the target of...
"Cipher Data Centric Security
TERATEC 2023 - Thierry Leblond June 1, 2023 Introduction Historically, all IT solutions are schematically built on a web architecture known as "three thirds": 1st third: a web browser that manages the presentation...
Software supply chain security & Open Source dependency management
The supply chain is the process by which projects are developed, distributed, operated and maintained. With the increasing use of software components, multi-sourced contributions, the accelerating pace of development and the...