Who are we?
Discover the balance between excellence and trust in our company

Parsec and its partners of excellence
No sooner had the company been created than Parsec was awarded the “Jeune Entreprise Innovante” (JEI) label in 2015, then in 2016 launched an R&D program alongside the French Ministry of the Armed Forces and LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique).
Our ambition is to develop an open-source software solution for sharing sensitive data in the cloud (SaaS mode).
If the French Ministry of the Armed Forces has always supported our company, it’s because it has been recognized as having a genuine capacity for innovation by major industrial groups.
In fact, it was to demonstrate its commitment to the long-term development of Parsec that :
– has integrated Parsec into the RAPID scheme (Régime d’Appui pour l’Innovation Duale)
– supports it through the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA)
– supports it through the Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE).
We also rely on the scientific excellence of LaBRI, which has played a major role in bringing our most advanced security technologies to fruition.
We were also able to count on the technical expertise of :
Catholic University of Leuven (BE)
University of Neuchâtel (CH)
University of Rennes (FR).
Parsec trusts both its employees and its users
Trust literally structures a company, both in its conception and in its day-to-day management.
PARSEC delivers access keys to sensitive data strictly to the user-owner, without keeping duplicates, precisely because we are convinced that your autonomy gives you responsibility and security.
We also have faith in our employees.
We’ve had complete confidence in them, working 100% from home since PARSEC was founded.
As such, we are the first users of our own solution, and fully understand what our customers can expect from it.
We were a beneficiary of the investment plan for France
“France 2030” as part of the development of the parsec collaborative suite planned in our roadmap from 2024.