4 Reasons why opensource is the future of data cybersecurity

Transparency, autonomy and sustainability

You have the right to control your company’s destiny!
As the code is open, it can be modified and adapted to your organization’s technical specifications and uses.
In complete autonomy and transparency, the code lives independently of third-party organizations and GAFAMs.
You retain control of your data.

Collaborative innovation

Open code gives free rein to unlimited group creativity!
Collaboration between community developers on open source projects leads to technological breakthroughs. These are available to companies at costs well below those of proprietary solutions.
This is the case with PARSEC, a solution developed using asynchronous programming, a world first.

Working environment

New ways of working are forcing companies to make the digital transition.
Leading this transition through open source makes it possible to integrate Agility and Mobility into the IT system, essential criteria for the organization of a digitally-supported work environment.

Data security

Open coding is the key to software robustness and security. When it is closed, only hackers are indirectly invited to study it, whereas open coding invites everyone to study it with a view to improvement. As a result, identifying a “zero-day” flaw becomes more difficult.
This is one of the reasons why the Internet was built mainly on open source solutions (linux, apache, mozilla, etc.).

In 2016, Scille SAS launched, in partnership with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces and LaBRI , an R&D plan to develop open source software for sharing sensitive and confidential data on the cloud in SaaS mode. The PARSEC solution is designed to make the cloud the most secure place for sensitive data shared and stored in the public or private cloud.

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